Welcome to my website.!

About me:

    I seem like im a quiet student but im really not. If you would really talk to me I would become very annoying very fast. I am an over-achever most of the time. In my past school years I have been in srudent council. I play mostly every sport but soccer, football, and basketball. After highschool I plan on joing the army or become a hairstylist.

    Another big thing about me is that i hate test but so dont half of the people school. I am a very bright student but i hav emy blonde moments. oh and one really awesome thing about me is that i have really awesome handwritting. social studies is an okay class but science wins by far. I have 5 sisters and one brother so i have kinda a big family.


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News today

09/21/2011 20:04
Hoboken hospital sale 'on life support' after negotiatiions break down